
It’s Not a Postcapitalist World, Nor is it a Post-Marxist One

It’s Not a Postcapitalist World, Nor is it a Post-Marxist One—An Interview with John Bellamy Foster” [PDF] (John Bellamy Foster and Evrensel Kultur) Monthly Review, vol. 54, no. 5 (October 2002), pp. 42-47.

Evrensel Kultur: Postmodernism’s advice to u s was to have doubts towards all kinds of information acquired. The “security syndrome” following September 11 has spread these doubts to daily life. In other words, the twenty-first century has begun as an age of doubts/suspicions. How does the suspiciousness of the new century differ from that of past centuries? If we take “suspicion” as a metaphor, what kind of real relations/connections can be described or hidden with this metaphor?

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