Although each of these books is concerned with the role of values in the workplace, one belongs to the tradition of anomie, the other of alienation. Michael Rose’s study could only have been written in the contemporary atmosphere of economic crisis and perceived break-down in values.
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The United States and the Crisis of World Finance
Review of Casino Capitalism by Susan Strange.
Sweezy, Paul Marlor
Harvard-trained economist and co-editor of Monthly Review, Paul Sweezy was among the most influential economists and Marxist intellectuals of the 20th century. His contributions extended over six decades from the early 1930s to the early 1990s. He played a role in the development of imperfect-competition analysis and in debates surrounding the Great Depression. His Theory of Capitalist […]
The Working Class: Is It Dead?
Among those who are convinced of the need for radical social change in the advanced capitalist countries as the world nears the year 2000 there are two broad streams of thought. One of these adheres to the traditional left view that the working class is (almost by definition) the only social force capable of carrying […]
The Political Economy of the United States Left
Review of Radical Political Economy Since the Sixties: A Sociology of Knowledge Analysis by Paul Attewell.
Marxian Economics and the State
How can we account for the somewhat paradoxical fact that certain socialist models of the capitalist economy are often thought to be prone to political degeneration? In essence, there are four divisions among Marxist on the subject of crisis: (1) the falling rate of profit school, (2) disproportionality theory, (3) underconsumptionism, and (4) profit squeeze […]
Is Monopoly Capitalism An Illusion?
The theory of capitalism’s monopoly stage has had such a long and distinguished history that one could be excused for thinking of it as an established and non-controversial component of Marxian political economy. Indeed, the “neo-Marxian” theory of secular stagnation which developed out of the analysis of monopoly capital—notably, in the work of Micha Kalecki, […]
Sustainability and Metabolic Revolution in the Work of Henri Lefebvre
“Sustainability and Metabolic Revolution in the Works of Henri Lefebvre” (coauthored with Brian Napoletano, Brett Clark, and Pedro Urquijo, Foster listed third) World (December 2020), pp. 300-317. Humanity’s present social–ecological metabolic configuration is not sustainable, and the need for a radical transformation of society to address its metabolic rifts with the rest of nature is increasingly […]